
Glasebach mine

The surface complex includes an exhibition of exhibits on the old and modern mining of the Straßberg district and the Glasebach mine.

On the open-air area is the intact machine technology for show and documentation. The underground area refers to the old mining of the 18th century. The visitor tour begins in the above-day wheel bar with the reconstructed artificial bike (diameter 9.5 meters), 21 meters below the conveyor frame and leads over the tunnel sole. The first and second soles are used via a stair construction installed in the main shaft.

Of particular importance are the still existing original parts of the “Straßberger Schwingkunst” (water lifting technique), the oak wood rooming of the lines, the proof of old mining process technology, ornate dry stone walls as well as the rich and colored mineralization of the pit. The tour lasts about 80 minutes and extends at a depth of 40 meters.

Mining Museum Grube Glasebach
City of Harzgerode
Glasebacher Weg
06493 Straßberg

Phone: 039489 / 226

Opening hours:
April to October, Tue – Thu10.00 – 16.00, Sat / Sun / Holiday10.00 – 17.00
last tour one hour before closing time, special openings for group registrations