
Peat House - Visitor Centre

In the heart of the national park, located directly at the National Park Monument in Torfhaus, you can find the National Park Visitor Centre Torfhaus. It started operations in 2009. The visitor centre Torfhaus is operated by the BUND-Landesverband Niedersachsen in a support network with the Society for the Promotion of the Harz National Park and the velvet community of Oberharz. The visitor centre also functions as a geopark information centre.

National Park Visitor Centre Torfhaus
Peat house 38 B
38667 Peat House

Phone: 05320 33179-0
Fax: 05320 33179-19


Opening hours:
From April to October: daily 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
In winter: Tuesday to Sunday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
On public holidays and holidays, it is also open on Mondays.
Closed on December 24th and January 1st!