

Shortly before Jerxheim, a narrow road leads up to Heeseberg. We owe its existence to the Zechstein salts that rose about 140 million years ago, which curved the layers above them into a narrow saddle. Located in the southeast of the district of Helmstedt, the Heeseberg Nature Reserve is a magnet for nature lovers, biologists and geologists.

Here you will find unique, warmth and drought-loving plant and animal species. For geologists: They are located in the upper part of the Lower Buntsandstein, the “Rogenstein Zone”. In addition, the Heeseberg region has striking traces of the earliest arable crops.

The geopath starts and ends at the parking lot “Berggaststätte Heeseberg” and is about 3.5 km long. On the first section, which is about 1200 m long, it is easily walkable and also suitable for strollers. Please wear non-slip footwear to enter the former quarries that are accessible here.

From the end of the first section, you can take a shortcut back to the starting point. The second section, about 2300 m long, runs uphill and downhill on medium-heavy inclines – at a few hundred metres on a narrow, rocky trampoline path.

How to get there: From Helmstedt to the south via the B 244 to Jerxheim. At the exit of the village in the direction of Beierstedt, turn right to Heeseberg.

1. Start
2. Observation tower
3. Quarry with stromatolites
4. Semi-dry turf with flora
5th Quarry – National Geotope
6. Sheep pasture
7. Historical vineyard