
10. December 2018

Geopark Advisory Board reappointed

Königslutter am Elm, 10.12.18
The constituent meeting took place in the town hall of Königslutter in the new Geopark Advisory Board period. The chairman of the Geopark-carrier association Hans Werner Schlichting handed over their certificates to the members of the advisory board and emphasized the importance of the advisory board for the professional work in the Geopark.

The Advisory Board is made up of 24 representatives of museums, state institutions, tourism associations and other non-profit associations of the Geopark area and has been nominated for a period of two years. He advises the geopark carriers on technical questions on regional development, cultural history, environmental education, geosciences, tourism, monument protection and nature conservation. In addition, the members mostly represent institutions that are important partners in the internal Geopark network. The Advisory Board is also a “thought leader” and deals with the quality assurance as well as the future orientation of the geopark.
Dr. Volker Wilde of the Senckenberg Society for Natural Research was re-elected as Chairman of the Advisory Board. Prof. Dr. Carsten Brauckmann from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology at the TU Clausthal remains Vice-Chairman.
A central issue was the still insufficient awareness of the UNESCO Geopark. So far, it has often not been clear to the public which institutions in the region are jointly active in the Geopark network.

10. December 2018

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